Who We Help.

McKee Professional Painting
McKee Professional Painting

McKee Professional Painting Inc. is the premier painting contractor in Rockton, IL. Cort and Cody McKee, father and son, started their business in 1985 and have been committed to serving their community ever since. Their online presence has increased significantly since purchasing OPTIMA™ in February 2021.

McKee Professional Painting currently ranks #1 on Google for “Painting in Rockton, IL”. Their Google listing has helped them gain 120 calls in a year. In addition, McKee Professional Painting currently has a 4.9 star rating with 96 reviews! These reviews can be seen on Google as well as the business’s Testimonial Page.

McKee Professional Painting’s Testimonial Page has had a major impact on business! This is extremely significant especially due to the fact that McKee Professional Painting used to get most of their business through word of mouth.

Liz McKee discussed the benefits of having a Testimonial Page: “I love how the review widget on the website displays the newest reviews first, but still includes all of our past reviews as well. Before OPTIMA™, our main way to get business was through word of mouth referrals, but now all of our customers say they chose us because we have so many positive reviews! Getting reviews as a service based business is also so difficult, so this program has made it much easier for us to ask for reviews and actually see results.”

Check out a few of McKee Professional Painting’s amazing reviews below:

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